Name: Wynn (Wunjo)
Meaning: Joy, enlightenment
Rune ritual image: gold
This rune is an insightful concept of joy, not just as a simple expression of happiness but also as a process of overcoming negative or challenging feelings that then leads to Wynn. The rune holds power for dealing with mental health issues, helping us to work through difficult emotional obstacles, rather than plastering over issues which negates our ability to heal. Wynn should not be confused with 'win' as these words have differing origins, but it can be described as achieving a blissful state after resolving more immediate survival concerns.
One of 20th century's enduring psychological models is Maslow's hierarchy of needs, often depicted as a pyramid, that was created to benefit the comprehension of human motivation. The primary goal of this model is meeting basic survival needs, next to security and stability, then to relationships and finally up to the peak of self realisation. Prevailing political economics regularly denies us the security of meeting basic needs, stifling our development through systemic inequality, such as low wages and ever higher prices.
Transcendence is a lost final step that Maslow introduced towards the end of his life, based upon individuals having 'peak experiences' that mirror occult phenomena.
Maslow defined peak experiences as “feelings of limitless horizons opening up to the vision, the feeling of being simultaneously more powerful and also more helpless than one ever was before, the feeling of great ecstasy and wonder and awe, the loss of placing in time and space with, finally, the conviction that something extremely important and valuable had happened, so that the subject is to some extent transformed and strengthened even in his daily life by such experiences.” Big Think
The goal of the mystery tradition is illumination, knowing thyself and developing a state of enlightenment through a process of practice, healing and peak experiences. Although the feeling of enlightened bliss may be momentary, persistence along the path will lead to a greater adoption of joy within your life. This path revolves around processing the trauma held within the nervous system and facing our mortality. Working with spirit and ancestors facilitates this transition to becoming more present in our daily lives and embracing the golden light love.
The rune poem outlines the abilities of Wynn, to cast off pain, sorrow and anxiety and replace it with prosperity and bliss. Lovely, sounds great. A word of caution upon repeated invocation of this rune, is burn out and a fading return. Do not be fooled to see rune magick around Wynn as a life hack to enlightenment, this attitude leads to a poor outcome when the underworld calls.