Name: Os (Ansuz)
Meaning: Odin (woden), mouth.
Rune ritual image: mouth
The Icelandic meaning of this rune evokes Odin (Woden), the ergi shaman, whilst the Norse meaning implies a river mouth and with the additional reference to a scabbard, this could relate to going a Viking. It's the Anglo-Saxon meaning that draws us to the mouth, language and Galdr, or vocal magick, ranging from runic chants to poetic incantations. Óðrœrir, 'The Mead of Poetry' was desired by Woden for its divine inspiration, or Odr to improve his Galdr.
The tale of Woden attaining The Mead of Poetry is a distinctly shamanic trial involving shapeshifting, a snake, eagles and the sacred marriage. The mead should be identified as an entheogen, akin to the soma of the Rig Veda, taken to facilitate altered states of consciousness allowing one to travel Yggdrasil. It is evidenced that such ecstatic techniques induce spontaneous sound making by those undertaking soul flight. This is the origins of Galdr.
The evolution of spoken language is still captured by its occult nature, the conveying what is internal out into the external world. The mouth provides the channel for creating sounds that are powered by the breath. The breath is a powerful shamanic tool employed in enchanting and healing rituals. In breathwork the mouth enables increased oxygenation that can be used to release trauma held within the body.
In magick this rune should be used in relation to any act of galdr, or vocal magick, to empower the spellwork. Verbal communication is enhanced, with the rune helping one to be heard and aiding comprehension of the intent. Os enables contact with Woden, for either evocation or invocation, especially when one is asking for support. The rune is also excellent for summoning 'divine inspiration' for creative endevours, be that art or the craft. Os should be deployed when journeying the world tree or undertaking breathwork.