Journey to Hyperspace

This contemporary visionary art depicts the flight of the shaman’s soul across mythological realms as cinematic frames from non-existent fantastical movies. Wyldheart & Wright were inspired by the visual effects of films such as Fantastic Journey, Star Wars and Innerspace to use scale models and photographic techniques to express their personal experiences of 21st century shamanism. All work is presented in the aspect ratio of 2.35:1 Cinemascope, as favoured by Stanley Kubrick when shooting 2001: A Space Odyssey.

The Leif Erikson

It is not only the name of the legendary Norse explorer but also that of the golden submarine featured in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea’s seminal The Illuminatus! Trilogy novels. These books inspirational to many others such as the band the KLF, writers Alan Moore and Grant Morrsion and cult tv shows such as Lost.


Journey to Hyperspace: Leif Eikson 1

Original composition (scale model & macro photography)

Limited editions of 11 prints signed by the artists

Giclee print on 100% cotton 300gsm fine art paper

Image 992mm x 450mm (paper (approx) – 1151mm x 609mm)

#ToyArt #SurrealArt #ScaleModelPhotography #PsychedelicArt #VisionaryArt

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